Handmaids Of The Lord

What is CFC Handmaids of the Lord (HOLD)

CFC-HOLD is a work of Christ which raises up Christian women who are committed to the work of personal transformation, evangelization and winning the world for Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit, with Mary as their model.


It is one of the family ministries of Couples for Christ.

It is a Christian renewal and support ministry for mature women, such as:

-  single mothers (except minors)

-  widows

-  separated/divorced women

-  single mature women  

-  married women whose husbands are working in another province/country or are not willing or able to  

  participate in any religious affiliation

-  migrant  women workers

-  women in prison



Women in the Holy Spirit, joyfully proclaiming the greatness and glory of God as Mary did, by living out her fiat: “I am the Handmaid of the Lord, may it be done to me according to your word,” in selfless love and discipleship.



The Handmaid of the Lord is a creation of God distinctly called to the mission of:

-  Personal transformation

-  Evangelization to bring her family and others, especially women, to a renewed life in the Lord, and

-  Wholehearted service to bring glad tidings to the poor



1. HOLD Programs

-  Christian Life Programs

-  Focused Evangelization (family/corporate)

-  Gateway Evangelization (ANCOP programs/HOLD special teachings/conferences)

-  Win Old Members Back (WOMB)

-  Transition (Crossover) Program

-  Witnessing to the World Program

CFC Guam Handmaids of the Lord, is being headed by Sis Leng Cruz, under the leadership of Sis Myra Respicio (HOLD International Core).


To know more... see CFC Guam Leadership


In the past years, CFC Guam HOLD has consistently conducting its yearly event such as ECHO - Guam Women's Conference, Marian Conference and the likes, and has pulled together vast support from the entire CFC community. Thanks to the commitment of all HOLD members and their inspiring leaders, for the success of their recently completed events.

CFC Guam HOLD ICON Guam Women's Conference 09.28.19

CFC Guam HOLD Marian Conference 09.21.19

CFC Guam HOLD Together Again 09.14.19

CFC Guam HOLD Marian Conference 12.01.18

CFC Guam HOLD ICON Guam Women's Conference 09.22.18

CFC Guam HOLD A Tribute To A Mother 09.15.18